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Media Opportunity: Leading Cardiologist Discusses What the Best Diet is for Heart Health

Since the mid-1900s, Cardiovascular disease has become the leading cause of death for Americans. This  surge in poor heart health is associated with the popularity of cigarettes during this time and a change in  the average American diet. During the 1950s and 60s, Americans started to consume more processed  foods, proceeded sugars, and saturated fats. During the 1960s, several major sugar companies funded  Harvard research teams to connect heart disease to fat and suggest sugar was a helpful diet aid. While  new research has come to light in the past sixty years, many American diets still contain high levels of  sugar, fats, and carbohydrates.  

Dr. Satjit Bhusri, a triple board-certified cardiologist and Council Member of the American Heart  Association, understands the importance of diet in relation to heart health. By advising patients in his  own New York City practice and experiencing cardiac shock himself in 2015, Dr. Bhusri strives to educate  the public on the direct impact diet has on heart health. Many diets are put forward by nutritionists and  health magazines that claim to be the best diet for those with cardiovascular disease. However, Dr.  Bhusri explains to all his patients while there are many diets out there that help with heart health, you  must find a reputable diet. Of the many reputable diets out there, many have the following  characteristics; it must promote fruits, vegetables, and anti-inflammatory foods while limiting foods that  are high in saturated fat, sodium, artificially sweetened foods and beverages, and full-fat dairy foods.  

"There are red flags to watch out for with any internet diet, and so the most important thing I can tell  my patients is to do your research. Any heart-conscious diet will encourage vegetables, healthy heart  meats like salmon, and whole grains. Any diet that says it's ok to drink soda probably wasn't made by a  cardiologist or nutritionist," said Dr. Bhusri.  

One of the most popular, reputable diets for heart health is the DASH diet, which stands for dietary  approaches to stop hypertension. This diet promotes eating nutrients such as potassium, calcium, fiber,  and protein to help reduce high blood pressure.  

"A good example of a heart-healthy diet is the DASH diet. The DASH diet promotes eating healthy foods  such as whole grains, lean protein, fruits, veggies, and low-fat dairy while reducing the consumption of  sugar-sweetened foods, whole dairy foods, and saturated fats," explained Dr. Bhusri. 

When looking for a heart-healthy diet, Dr. Bhusri recommends:  

Dr. Satjit Bhusri is available to discuss cardiovascular health concerns and the characteristic of a  reputable, heart healthy diet. To set up an interview or provide questions for Dr. Bhusri, contact  Andrew Schetter at or call (856) 840-8356.

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